Happy New Year!

A bit late, but we have had quite a 2023 at the Van Fleet’s; almost none of it bonsai-related, as evidenced by a lack of content here. Instead, a college graduation, a wedding, a growing business, a tennis champ, and all capped off with a move across town on December 5. Good timing for the trees, but challenging to pull off Christmas, though we did it; and without moving boxes anywhere in sight.

Proud of Lauren, graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Ed.
Lauren and her groom, Carson. Erin and me on the left, son Ben on the right
So-Con champ!
2 dogs photobombing the Amazon driver’s delivery shot at the new house.
All Christmas, no boxes; 9 days in.

Still working to get settled, and we started the year in Pasadena (Roll Tide Forever), followed by a basement flood that somehow the previous owners erased from their memory banks as a potential problem.

New Year’s Day at the Rose Bowl, true bucket list. All but the L.
The cement pond

All that to say, Hope y’all had a great 2023 too, and a great 2024 in store.

I haven’t begun the bonsai garden yet, and am still considering even where in the yard it goes…one side is a bit more protected, but is completely opposite from the workshop area. Nearer the side where the workshop is would work, but I’m still trying to leave room for my son to throw a ball with buddies and not worry about knocking over a tree. Fortunately it’s winter and we have a few months to figure it out. Meanwhile, here is the workshop space, which may have been a home theater and an occasional indoor swimming pool before I installed the sump, French drains and dehumidifier last week.

Now that the photography area is set, the workbench is in place, and the pots are all stored, I had a little room to work. Luckily, the temps dropped into the low teens this week, and (while sick) got to lug every single tree I own into the garage. That made it easy to bring in a few to test the newly set photography area.

Everybody inside! It’s 13f outside.

I thought it was fitting to start with the Chishio JM, a tree I’ve had longer than almost everything. Looks familiar!

Today I had a chance to prune it back and adjust a few branches with wire. Here is the after image:

I hope to begin posting more regularly this year, sharing the new garden and work along the way. Happy New Year from Nebari Bonsai!

3 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. Congratulations on all of the big life events (except for the water in the basement). You have a beautiful family and always a treat to see your trees.

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